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We refer to the magnificent huge "W" on the Woodsboro High School Campus near the tennis courts. It "looks over" the high school entrance in majestic solemnity, strength, and silent sentry. Our "W" is one of the great signatures of Texas high schools. In fact, we've got something nobody else has--- that we know of. Here is the story of the "W" that captures the eye and the imagination of all who attend, visit, are employed by, and know about Woodsboro High School.

In 1981, the WHS Student Council asked Ron Hicks, then a school board member, to make a big "W". He agreed. For two months, in his spare time, he put together the gigantic "W" you see today. At the unbelievable total cost of $250.00, he utilized 2500 pounds of 14" steel "H" beams, welding each part separately. Throughout the labors of construction, he was helped by Dennis Haertig and Danny Martin. They helped with the welding and the painting.

When the "W" was ready to move from Hicks' work location, Bob Spence, of Natural Gas Pipeline Company donated his expert crew to haul it to its present location, right it, and steady it while "probably 30,000 pounds of cement" were poured as "anchor" for our beautiful "W". The "anchor" is four feet deep in the ground. Painted green, the "W" was permanently in place during the 1981 school year. It has been a beacon of welcome at Woodsboro High School ever since.

Mr. Hicks emphasized that he had "lots of help" from "lots of people". He is understandably happy that hurricane winds have not budged it an inch.  Mainly, he is pleased that Woodsboro High School has a distinctive landmark that sets it aside from others.

Our "W" is unique to our Woodsboro High School. On this 10th anniversary, we thank those who gave it to us. It is and will be a lasting memorial to the strength and solidity of Woodsboro High School.